Miss Royal Scoop - Annual Ice Cream Social Pageant
29:11 Healing and Recovery Center
Health/Public HealthCommunity OrganizationsHolistic HealthHuman Resource Services
9am to 5pm Monday through Friday
Driving Directions:
Please call 870-654-4059 for directions
About Us
Welcome to Jeremiah Recovery House, Green Forest, Arkansas. Jeremiah House is a Christ-centered sober living and recovery home for women who have survived lives subjected to human trafficking, prostitution, addiction, sexual abuse as a child and homelessness. We nurture transformative change for freedom and healing in a home environment, offering the hope and the power for change we have found in Christ. We network with the community in restoring lives, helping women find direction, and fulfilling life purposes. Jeremiah House is about help, healing, and home. In an atmosphere of love and encouragement, women experience sustainable change. As lives are healed, no longer are the resources of the system consumed. Women become givers of love and talents; as their lives are restored, communities are restored.
Jeremiah Recovery House
Home sweet home
Springtime at Jeremiah House
Prayer time
Color Run
Homemade Mask for Community members in need!
Variety of colors!
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