Miss Royal Scoop - Annual Ice Cream Social Pageant
American Legion Auxiliary Informational Meeting
The American Legion Auxiliary is coming to Berryville, AR! Informational Meeting to be held on March 13th @ 6PM at the Berryville Chamber Office (506 S Main, Berryville, AR 72616). Eligibility includes spouse (male spouse must be married to a Veteran), female Veterans, mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, or sister of a Veteran. Plus, anyone who wants to support our Nations Veterans, Military, and their families and has a heart to serve others and be part of the betterment of our community. For questions contact: Pearl Gordon, President 2024-2025, American Legion Auxiliary, 501-374-5836, or arkaux@att.net.
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 13, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDTTell a Friend